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Friday 22 March 2013



1. Zulfadli (smartZul)

 Mohd Zulfadli atau lebih dikenali dengan panggilan SmartZul di kalangan pengusaha perniagaan Internet berusia 29 tahun (2011). Beliau melakukan perniagaan Internet sejak dari tahun 2005 lagi.
Walaupun kini beliau menetap di Kuala Lumpur, namun 90% sumber rezekinya adalah dari seluruh pelusuk negeri Malaysia termasuklah dari luar negara tanpa perlu bersemuka dengan para pelanggan. Inilah salah satu kelebihan perniagaan Internet.
Setelah berkecimpung dalam bidang ini secara sepenuh masa selama empat tahun, beliau memanjangkan langkah perjuangannya dengan berkongsi ilmu, pengalaman dan kemahiran bersama rakyat Malaysia yang berminat dan serius untuk membina perniagaan Internet mereka sendiri atau sekurang-kurangnya menjana pendapatan tambahan melalui Internet.
Antara usaha yang beliau lakukan adalah:
1.            Menulis secara aktif di blog (sejak tahun 2005 sehingga sekarang)
2.            Menulis ebook (percuma dan berbayar)
3.            Aktif di forum komuniti dan laman web sosial seperti Facebook
4.            Menulis buku (dalam proses penerbitan)
5.            Konsultasi, seminar, bengkel dan ‘personal coaching’ (berbayar)
6.            Memberi ceramah di IPT-IPT Tempatan
7.            Menyertai program-program ‘khidmat masyarakat’ (non-profit)
8.            Program Apprentice (latihan percuma tanpa bayaran tetapi tertutup)
9.            Membantu usahawan-usahawan internet yang sedang meningkat naik terutama yang mempunyai potensi besar untuk berjaya.
10.          Membuka ruang soal jawab melalui emel dan juga blog.
Di antara bidang pengkhususan beliau dalam bidang Internet Marketing adalah:
1.            Blog Marketing
2.            Email Marketing
3.            Affiliate Marketing
4.            Teknikal IT untuk Internet Marketing
5.            Penerbitan Produk Informasi
6.            Facebook Marketing
lagi info di –> http://blog.smartusaha.com/mengenai-smartzul/

2. Mohd Suhaimy (Shuth)

 Nama penuh beliau Mohd Suhaimy Abu Bakar, di internet, beliau lebih dikenali sebagai “shuth” ( disebut sebagai…shoot). Dan dengan nama tersebut, beliau telah menubuhkan sebuah syarikat berasaskan perniagaan di internet yang  diberi nama Shuth Network Sdn. Bhd.
Perniagaan di internet sejak tahun 2005.  Antara perniagaan internet yang telah beliau usahakan adalah seperti:-
             WangCyber.com - ini adalah sebuah website komuniti yang memfokuskan kepada topik “perniagaan internet”. Website ini telah saya bangunkan sejak tahun 2005. Terdapat pelbagai tips, perbincangan serta maklumat-maklumat terkini berkenaan perniagaan di internet di kongsikan di website tersebut.
             Sempoihosting.com - menawarkan perkhidmatan webhosting dan nama domain mampu milik yang khusus kepada masyarakat malaysia. Di sempoihosting, anda yang tentukan berapa harga yang ingin anda bayar.
             Maskahwin.com – ini adalah sebuah website yang menjual buku panduan pengurusan kewangan yang khusus untuk bakal-bakal pengantin. Jika anda nak kahwin, tapi tak tahu macam mana nak kumpul duit untuk majlis perkahwinan anda.. dapatkan ebook ini.

             RahsiaBlogger.com – ini adalah merupakan website rasmi bagi buku fizikal tulisan saya bersama saudara farid yang berjudul “Rahsia blogger”. Ia adalah sebuah buku panduan yang menceritakan bagaimana anda boleh menghasilkan pendapatan menerusi blog anda. Buku ini boleh didapati di kedai-kedai buku berhampiran anda atau boleh juga didapati terus secara online di websitewww.rahsiablogger.com.
             RahsiaKambing.com – sebuah website yang menjual ebook panduan bagaimana memulakan pernternakan kambing. Ebook ini telah ditulis oleh rakan saya , Mohammed Farid Sulaiman, seorang penternak kambing yang berjaya.
             Klikjer.com – ianya merupakan sebuah sistem affiliate berpusat yang menawarkan pelbagai info produk yang boleh dipromosikan oleh affiliate-affiliate di Malaysia. Ianya adalah merupakan lubuk buat duit di internet untuk rakyat Malaysia yang ingin menjana pendapatan sebagai seorang affiliate. Penulis-penulis yang ingin menerbitkan karya mereka juga turut dialu-alukan untuk menghantarkan karya ebook mereka ke website ini.
Selain menjalankan perniagaan di internet, beliau juga kerap dijemput untuk memberikan ceramah dan taklimat berkenaan “Perniagaan Internet” anjuran IPT serta pihak swasta.  Antaranya, seperti di UIA, Unisel, MSU, Kolej INPENS, Maktab Kerjasama Malaysia, Institut Pembangunan & Pengurusan Johor, Persatuan Usahawan Internet Malaysia dan sebagainya.
lebih info boleh ke blog peribadi beliau di –> http://www.mohdsuhaimy.com

3. Ammar Zahar

 Nama beliau Ammar Zahar. Mungkin ramai yang sudah mengenali beliau namun pada yang masih belum beliau merupakan salah seorang Usahawan Internet yang terkemuka di pasaran tempatan. Di pasaran antarabangsa pula saya merupakan salah seorang ‘Super Affiliate’ .
Mungkin ramai juga yang telah tahu akan kejayaan yang telah beliau kecapi namun tidak ramai yang tahu siapa beliau sebelum berjaya mencapai kejayaan seperti sekarang dan bagaimana beliau melalui dan memperolehinya.
Pada sekitar tahun 2006, beliau merupakan seorang pelajar biasa. Seorang yang kaki main game, huha sana sini, dan beliau sememangnya bergantung harap hanya pada duit PTPTN.
Tetapi sekarang beliau telah berjaya menubuhkan sebuah syarikat sendiri iaitu AmmarZahar sdn bhd. Beliau telah banyak menerbitkan beberapa produk digital yang mempunyai branding name “Mania” antaranya:
DuitMania.com -panduan asas dan advanced bagaimana memulakan perniagaan internet dan menjana pendapatan melalui internet.
FacebookMania.com – Panduan memulakan perniagaan dan teknik-teknik berkesan untuk memasarkan sebarang produk di Facebook
SuksesMania.com – Video motivasi bagaimana beliau boleh berjaya dan sukses dalam perniagaan internet ini.
zerokehero.com – panduan bagaimana anda yang dari zero knowledge pasal internet marketing sehingga menjadi hero IM.
banyak lagi produk-produk lain yang telah di hasilkan oleh beliau dan telah berjaya mengaut keuntungan lebih 4angka sebulan.
utk lebih info tentang Ammar Zahar –> http://perniagaaninternet.com | http://ammarzahar.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ammar.Zahar

4. MazlieNadzri

 Mazlie Nadzri merupakan internet marketer separuh masa.
Beliau mula aktif dalam perniagaan internet sejak awal
tahun 2006. Kemahiran beliau adalah menjana wang menerusiprogram affiliate, pernah menjadi juara cabaran affiliate untuk produk tempatan, menduduki top 10 cabaran affiliate, penghasilan produk sendiri dan pemilik servis design minisitedan sistem affiliate.Beliau juga telah menulis 2 buah buku mengenai perisian Adobe Flash yang kini berada di kedai-kedai buku yang berhampiran. Antara website milik beliau adalah:
http://www.mazlienadzri.com - blog perniagaan internet milik beliau
http://www.virtualniaga.com - lamanweb servis design grafik, untuk membantu parausahawan internet menghasilkan grafik untuk minisite, ecover, banner, portal iklan dan lain-lain lagi
http://www.sistem-autoresponder.com - laman minisite yang memasarkan sistem autorespon yang boleh di pasang pada hosting sendiri untuk mengumpul email list. sesuai utk newbie yang ingin bermula kumpul list.
http://www.panduansistemaffiliate.com - Skrip dan panduan memasang sistem affiliate lite yang banyak di gunakan oleh ramai IM untuk membantu meningkatkan jualan produk digital di internet.
untuk maklumat lanjut tentang MazlieNazdri sila ke FBpage beliau
–> https://www.facebook.com/IMMazlieNadzri

5. Rahman Basri

  Rahman Basri adalah merupakan seorang ahli pemasaran affiliate yang
disegani di Malaysia. Beliau kerap kali menjadi top affiliate bagi setiap
cabaran/pertandingan affiliate yang disertainya.
Kepakaran beliau di dalam pemasaran affiliate, sememangnya tidak dapat dinafikan lagi.
Selain aktif menjalankan pemasaran affiliate, beliau juga turut menghasilkan
produk sendiri seperti:
Panduanemel.com - Panduan tentang pemasaran email,
SplitAffiliate.com - Teknik memasarkan produk affiliate yang berkensan melalui medium Facebook, Forum dan Email. Beliau menerangkan secara ringkas dan mudah untuk mempromosikan beberapa produk dalam masa yang sama.
dan yang terbaru SwipeCopy.com
beliau juga ada menganjurkan seminar/perconal coaching mengenai affiliate dan pemasaran email bagi membantu sesiapa yang berminat untuk menguasai teknik-teknik yang di gunakan oleh beliau sehingga pergelar top affiliate.
jom selami kisah hidup beliau dalam menceburkan diri dalam IM ini di sini –> video talk Rahman Basri di gathering wangcyber dan interview beliau oleh majalahniaga diMajalahniaga.com

 6. Jamaluddin Bahari

 Jamaluddin Bahari atau lebih dikenali sebagai JaMal-PakarEbook. Beliau telah melibatkan diri dalam dunia perniagaan ebook di Malaysia sejak disember 2008 lagi.
Beliau melibatkan diri dalam perniagaan ebook ini setelah mengalami masalah hutang kad kredit dan juga hutang-hutang peribadi lain yang agak kritikal. Dengan semangat ingin bebas kewangan, beliau bertekad mencuba nasib dalam perniagaan ebook dengan mula membeli panduan secara berhutang dari kad kreditnya.
Dengan hasil untung RM60 pertama, beliau mengorak langkah menjana income lumayan setiap bulan dengan perniagaan ebook. Dan ada ebooknya menghasilkan jualan lebih RM125k hanya dalam masa 40 hari pelancaran.
Sejak itu beliau mendapat perhatian dari dunia perniagaan internet Malaysia. Beliau juga pernah mengadakan bengkel pemasaran ebook di IbuKota sepanjang tahun 2009 – 2011.
Antara ebook-ebook yang berjaya dihasilkan oleh beliau seperti:
Rahsia Lulus temuduga kerja kerajaan, Emas-emas yang hilang, Rahsia Affiliate Kerajaan, 3.0 Email Marketing, dan terbaru di lancarkan semuala PakarEbookReborn

untuk info lagi mengenai beliau boleh ke blog beliau – blogjamal.com dan tonton video perkongsian ini dari Jamal di wangcyber.

YBhg Dato' Ruslan Hassan

YBhg Dato' Ruslan Hassan, 55, joined Puncak Niaga (M) Sdn Bhd (PNSB) on 1 November 1995 as the Executive Director of Corporate and Legal Affairs Division. When Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad (PNHB) was established and listed on Bursa Malaysia, YBhg Dato' Ruslan was appointed to its Board on 24 April 1997 and on 6 April 1999, he was appointed as its Executive Vice Chairman. Together with the Executive Chairman, YBhg Tan Sri Rozali Ismail, YBhg Dato' Ruslan played a principle role in pursuing for the privatisation rights for the distribution of treated water in Selangor. Upon securing the water distribution concession for Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya on 1 January 2005, YBhg Dato' Ruslan was appointed as the first Chief Executive Officer of Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS) and as director on the Board of SYABAS and Perbadanan Urus Air Selangor Bhd. With the appointment as CEO and Director of SYABAS, YBhg Dato' Ruslan was re-designated from Executive Vice Chairman of PNHB to Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of PNHB with effect from 1 October 2005.

YBhg Dato' Ruslan has been a member of the Industrial Court – Employer Panel since 1 January 2004. Among others, he is also a member of the Malaysian Institute of Directors (MID), Malaysian Water Association (MWA), Institute of Marketing Malaysia (IMM) and International Water Association (IWA).

Upon obtaining a Bachelor of Laws Degree from University of Malaya in 1981, YBhg Dato' Ruslan began his career as Legal Advisor with the multinational petroleum company ESSO Malaysia Bhd and later as Senior Legal Counsel of ESSO Production Malaysia Inc. In 1985, he joined Sime Darby Group and was appointed as the Group Legal Advisor and Company Secretary of Pernas Sime Darby Holdings Sdn Bhd, with interests in automobile, plantation and heavy machinery. This is followed with a four years period as an Advocate and Solicitor in the capacity of a partner in a medium-sized legal firm. In 1993, he joined the securities and banking group of Rashid Hussain Berhad as the head of the Corporate Affairs Division and was later appointed as an Executive Committee Member and Director of the RHB Group.

YBhg Dato' Ruslan is married to Yang Arif Datin Zabariah Mohd Yusof, a High Court Judge and has three daughters.


Dato’ Zamzamzairani, aged 50, a Malaysian, was appointed Non-Independent Executive Director and assumed the position of Managing Director/Group Chief Executive Officer of TM on 25 April 2008. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Communication Engineering from Plymouth Polytechnic, United Kingdom, and had attended the Kellog School of Management’s programme in Corporate Finance, Strategies for Creating Shareholder Value.

He has vast experience in the telecommunications industry, having held senior management positions in several multinationals, such as Global One and Lucent Technologies (Malaysia) where he led the company as the CEO. Previous key positions in TM before assuming his current role include Senior Vice President, Group Strategy and Technology and Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Business. Dato’ Zamzamzairani sits on the Boards of several TM Group subsidiaries, including as Chairman of VADS Berhad and Deputy Chairman of GITN Sdn Berhad.

Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin SM Amin

Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin SM Amin (25 January 1955 – 1 May 2008) was the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of the Naza Group of Malaysia.
The Naza Group, formed in 1974, has 14 business divisions including motor trading, bikes, manufacturing, transport services, machine tools/parts, engineering, plantation, cigarette distribution, credit & leasing, water crafts, properties, hotel operation and insurance agency.
However, Naza is more famous for its automobile business. Naza Group currently holds the Malaysian franchise for South Korea's Kia vehicles, and France's Peugeot vehicles. It also holds the import permits for Mercedes Benz and Mazda vehicles.
Born in 1955, Nasimuddin was always interested in cars and the automobile industry. He received his early education from Sekolah Rendah Tunku Munawir (1961–1966). He then studied at Sekolah Menengah Tuanku Muhammad (1967–1972). Both schools are located in Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan.
In 1974, when he was 19, he had RM80,000 in his bank account which he saved from his remunerations from helping out his contractor father. He started his automobile business with an allocation of Approved Permits (APs) to import foreign cars. APs are government-issued permits to import cars for bumiputras. He made his first million in about a year.
[edit]Going into business
After starting up the business, he flew to Japan where he spent three months purchasing his first 20 units of used Japanese cars. Upon his return to Malaysia, he sold off all 20 units within three months.
Nasimuddin's automobile business began with a shop lot in Taman Maluri selling 10 to 15 units of cars each month. In 1979, he opened a branch in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur doing retail and selling 40 to 60 cars monthly.

He owned TTDI Development which is one of the most prominent real estate companies in Kuala Lumpur.
The Naza Group currently holds the Malaysian franchise for South Korea's Kia vehicles, and France's Peugeot vehicles. It also holds the import permits for Mazda vehicles. Naza has now also become the biggest and most prominent importer of luxury high-end vehicles like Mercedes Benz in Malaysia with endeavours such as Naza-Brabus.
He was reported to be interested in buying a 40% interest and taking over Malaysia's national carmaker, Proton, which was reported to be in financial turmoil. He stated that he had already drawn his plan in turning around Proton if the Malaysian government gave the nod for him to buy a controlling stake of the company. He planned to build a RM1.2 billion factory in Bertam, Penang.
In April 2008, he ventured into the food business by launching the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Restaurant and Market

Awards and recognition

In appreciation of his services and contributions, he was bestowed with several awards, which among others, include the federal award Panglima Setia Mahkota (P.S.M.) by His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, which carries the title Tan Sri
In 2002, Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin was named Motoring Man of The Year by the News Straits Times
Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin SM Amin received one of South Korea’s highest awards for his contribution to the automotive industry. He received the Presidential Award industrial service medal from South Korean ambassador to Malaysia Son Sang-Ha, on behalf of the President of South Korea, at a ceremony at the embassy in Malaysia. He is the first Malaysian to have received the award

Dato Amrin Awaluddin

Dato Amrin Awaluddin adalah ahli Lembaga Pengarah NSTP mulai 4 September 2009 dan Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Media Prima Berhad iaitu syarikat induk NSTP. Beliau adalah CEO TV3 menggantikan Dato' Sri Ahmad Farid Ridzuan.


Amrin Awaluddin pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pentadbiran Perniagaan dari Universiti Acadia, Kanada dan Ijazah Sarjana Pentadbiran Perniagaan (Kewangan) dengan kepujian dari University of Hull, England.


Kerjaya Amrin bermula di pejabat presiden, Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad (MRCB) (1999-2000) ; ketua pegawai operasi Putera Capital Berhad (2001); Ketua Pegawai Kewangan TV3 (2001) ; CFO Kumpulan Media Prima Berhad (2003) ; CEO ntv7 (2006) ; Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif TV3 (2008); Ketua Pegawai Operasi Media Prima Berhad (Jun 2009) dan Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Media Prima (September 2009).

Beliau juga dilantik sebagai ahli lembaga pengarah Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Berhad (TV3); Synchrosound Studio Sdn Bhd, Primeworks Studios Sdn Bhd dan Alt Media Sdn Bhd.[1] TV3 menjadi stesen televisyen terunggul di Malaysia selama 25 tahun.Pada masa ini terdapat 6 saluran TV terestrial dan hampir 100 saluran tersedia untuk orang ramai di Malaysia melalui TV berbayar dan platform IPTV. TV3 boleh dilihat di seluruh dunia melalui www.tv3.com.my malah boleh ditontotn di Philadelphia, Amerika Syarikat (AS) mahupun di Auckland, New Zealand.

Dato' Ir Azman Mohd

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)

Dato' Ir Azman Mohd, 54 years of age, was appointed as the Chief Operating Officer/Executive Director of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) on 15th April 2010. He is a Board member of TNB and several other subsidiaries. He is also actively involved in International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) Malaysia and was appointed as Chairman from 2008 to 2010. He is now in the process establishing Institute of Asset Management (IAM UK) Malaysian Chapter.
Dato' Ir Azman has held several key positions in TNB for the past 31 years. He started his career in TNB as an electrical engineer at District Office and gradually positioned himself to higher posts at various offices over the years, holding positions such as District Manager, State General Manager and General Manager of Strategic Management & Organization Development at the Head Quarters before he was appointed as Senior General Manager TNB (Operational Region 2) in 2006.
Assuming office on 14 November 2008 as Vice President (Distribution), Dato' Ir. Azman emphasizes on the importance of enhancing customer service level through the introduction of Customer Charter and Internal Service Standard. He also believes that a systematic model or plan that incorporates compliance, standards, consistency and service levels, together with the right people are vital to make it happen.
He obtained his Diploma in Engineering from the England Newark Technical College, United Kingdom in 1976 and degree in Engineering from the University of Liverpool in 1979. He then obtained his Master in Business Administration from University Malaya in 1996.

Dato' Seri Shahril Shamsuddin

Non-Independent Executive Director & President and Group CEO

Dato' Seri Shahril bin Shamsuddin, aged 51, a Malaysian, was appointed to our Board as a Non-Independent Executive Director and President and Group CEO on 9 December 2011.
Dato' Seri Shahril bin Shamsuddin is also currently the Group President and CEO of the Sapura Group which is involved in the oil & gas services, secured communications technologies, property development and management, industrial and automotive component manufacturing, and education. 
Dato' Seri Shahril bin Shamsuddin joined the Sapura Group in 1985 and since then has assumed a number of senior positions within the Group, taking over the reign as President and CEO in 1997. He succesfully steered the Sapura Group during the restructuring of its businesses portfolio and its financials, where he made several key decisions that involved the acquisition of companies and technologies. He was also responsible for the strategic disposal of some assets and businesses in line with the Sapura Group strategy for business growth. 
Prior to the Merger, Dato' Seri Shahril bin Shamsuddin was appointed to the Board of SapuraCrest as a Non-Executive Director and Executive Vice-Chairman on 24 February 2003 and 25 July 2003 respectively. Subsequently on 18 May 2011, his designation was changed to Executive Vice-Chaiman and President. Dato' Seri Shahril bin Shamsuddin was also a member of SapuraCrest's Remuneration Committee.
Appointments held by Dato' Seri Shahril bin Shamsuddin at present include Deputy Chairman of Sapura Industrial Berhad, Non-Executive Director of SRB and President and CEO of Sapura Secured Technologies Sdn Bhd, a privately held division of the Sapura Group.
In addition to his positions within the Sapura Group, Dato' Seri Shahril bin Shamsuddin is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Perdana Leadership Foundation.
Dato' Seri Shahril bin Shamsuddin received a Master of Science in Management of Technology from the MIT Sloan School of Management and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology from California Polytechnic State University.

Tan Sri Datuk Hj. Mustapha Kamal

Tan Sri Datuk Hj. Mustapha Kamal is the co-founder of the M K Land Group of companies. Tan Sri was first appointed to the Board on 19 August 1999. He is a member of the Remuneration Committee. Tan Sri was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer until his re-designation on 1 August, 2009 to Executive Chairman. Tan Sri is a firm believer of the philosophy "Together we make it happen". As Executive Chairman of the Group, Tan Sri oversees, directs and monitors the operations and strategic directions of the Group.

After Tan Sri graduated from University Malaya, he started his career in 1970 as the Assistant District Officer and later rose to be the Deputy Commissioner of Lands & Mines for the Selangor State Government. He then moved into the private sector and became the Managing Director of Shah Alam Properties Sdn. Bhd. It was at this juncture that he harnessed the relevant skills, knowledge, experience and competence in property development and gained complete confidence to embark on his own business venture. In 1983, he formed the EMKAY Group of Companies. Tan Sri contributes immensely towards the national and international property industry. In 2004, Tan Sri was appointed the "Professor Adjunct", a recognition given by the Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah until March 2008. He sits on the Board of Trustees of Yayasan EMKAY , Pulau Banding Foundation, Yayasan Pulau Orang Utan Bukit Merah, Perdana Leadership Foundation and Yayasan Bersamamu TV3.

In recognition of his immense contribution, Tan Sri received numerous accolades during his illustrious career. He was awarded the outstanding Entrepreneur of Selangor 1995 by the Malay Chamber of Commerce for the State of Selangor; the FIA BCI Property Man of The Year Award 1997 and the Construction Industry Outstanding Personality of The Year Award by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) in 2001. He also received the Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM) Fellowship Award 2002 from the D.Y.M.M. Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and the Anugerah Khas Tokoh Maal Hijrah 2003 from the Raja Muda of Perak.
Tan Sri was also awarded the platinum award in 2005 by the Small Medium Industry Association of Malaysia and the Presidential Award 2006 from Malaysian Business Malay Chambers.

Tan Sri has interest in a number of privately owned companies within the EMKAY Group of Companies some of which are also involved in property development. However, these privately-owned companies are not in direct competition with the business of the Company. Except for certain recurrent related party transactions of a revenue nature which are necessary for day-to-day operations of the Company and its subsidiaries and for which Tan Sri is deemed to be interested as disclosed under the notes to the Financial Statements in the Annual Report, there are no other business arrangements with the Company which he has personal interest. He has not been convicted of any offence within the past ten years.

Tan Sri attended eight (8) out of nine (9) Board of Directors' Meetings held during the financial year ended 30 June 2009.

Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed
atuk Nur Jazlan was appointed as Chairman of UDA Holdings Berhad on 16 July 2010. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Accounting from South Bank Polytechnic, United Kingdom and a Fellow of the Associated of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), United Kingdom. He was a Council Member and Chairman of the Public Relations Committee of the Malaysia Institute of Accounts (MIA) as well as Council Member of the Asean Federation of Accounts (AFA).

Besides being Chairman of UDA Holdings Berhad, he sits on the board of Telekom Malaysia Berhad, United Malayan Land Berhad, Prinsiptek Corporation Berhad, Jaycorp Berhad, TSH Resources Berhad and Ekowood International Berhad.

Datuk Nur Jazlan is active in politics and holds the post; Member of Parliament of Pulai, Johor. He was also selected to head UMNO Pulai and is the Barisan Nasional's Chairman for Pulai, Johor.

Abu Bakar
Major (Rtd) Abu Bakar Bin Mohammad

Chief Executive Officer

Major (Rtd.) Abu Bakar bin Mohammad was born on 31st of March 1952 in Taiping, Perak. Receiving his early education at SK Simpang and the King Edward VII Secondary School, Taiping, he later joined the Malaysian Armed Forces and was commissioned into the General Service Corps.

With a Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons.) from the Mara University of Technology, he proved to be an efficient worker with dynamic managerial talents. His distinguished 28 years with the Malaysian army heading several multi-functional sections, facilitated him to hone his leadership abilities in the areas of human resource, management administrations, materials planning procurement and financial management. 

Prior to his appointment as Chief Executive Officer of Sani Express Sdn. Bhd., Major (Rtd.) Abu Bakar had served in various companies as an Audit Manager, and as a Finance and Administrative Manager. With his extensive experience, Major (Rtd.) Abu Bakar would be able to lead Sani Express Sdn. Bhd. to compete with other established companies.

Dato' Sri Shazalli bin Ramly
Dato' Sri Shazalli bin Ramly was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Director of Celcom Axiata Berhad ("CELCOM") on 1 September 2005.
Academic Achievements
Dato' Sri Shazalli holds a Bachelor of Science (Marketing) from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana and a Master of Business Administration from St. Louis University, Missouri, USA.
Career Chart
Prior to joining CELCOM, Dato' Sri Shazalli was the Chief Executive Officer of ntv7, Malaysian 7th terrestrial TV station, a position he held for 8 years since its launch in 1998. Under his leadership, ntv7 successfully secured 28% of television advertising market and recognised for its strong branding of television programmes, innovative media campaigns and new media products.
Before joining the broadcasting industry, Dato' Sri Shazalli had earlier left his mark in the FMCG industry when he served the Lever Brothers (1987 - 1993), followed by Malaysian Tobacco Company (MTC) and British American Tobacco (BAT) (1993 - 1996) both in Malaysia and the United Kingdom.
Among key achievements during his time at Lever Brothers include spearheading the launch of the company's products into the highly competitive and challenging Indonesian market, re-launch of Lux soap and introduced Lux shower cream for Unilever Malaysia, and helping Lux to regain its leadership position in that segment.
Whilst at BAT, Dato' Sri Shazalli played the key role in leading the exercise to re- vitalise the Benson & Hedges market share in Malaysia. This exercise led to a positive growth for the company, the first after 11 years. He then moved to the United Kingdom to take a global position in heading the 555 Brand for Asia and was instrumental in the success of 555 Subaru World Rally Team and Championship.
Later he took up the position of the Director of Marketing in Asia Broadcasting Network (ASTRO) for 2 years where he was involved in the earlier launch of ASTRO into the Malaysian market.
Other Role
Dato' Sri Shazalli was also the Vice Chairman of the Multimedia Commission Content Forum and was a Director of Malaysian Television Broadcaster Association (MTBA).
He also serves as a member of Board Executive Committee (EXCO), Board Dispute Resolution Committee and Information Technology Transformation Steering Committee (ITTSC).

1. Ananda Krishnan

Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan (born 1938) is a Malaysian Indian businessman and philanthropist. Nicknamed A K, currently he is estimated to have a net worth of US$9.6 billion[1] according to Forbes' latest annual list of wealthiest people, making him the second wealthiest in Southeast Asia behind Robert Kuok, and number 89 in the world.
Ananda Krishnan shuns public exposure[4] and is known to maintain a low profile for a person of his stature.

Ananda Krishnan was born in 1938 in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur's "Little India" to Tamil parents, who were indian immigrants. He studied at Vivekananda Tamil School in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur and furthered his studies at Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur. Later, as a Colombo Plan scholar, he attended the University of Melbourne, Australia for his B.A. (Honours) degree majoring in political science. During that time he boarded in the Melbourne suburb of Hawthorn. Following that, Krishnan obtained a Masters in Business Administration at Harvard University, graduating in 1964.[5]
Krishnan has 2 daughters and 1 son.

Krishnan’s first entrepreneurial venture was a Malaysian consultancy MAI Holdings Sdn Bhd. He set up Exoil Trading, which went on to purchase oil drilling concessions in various countries. Later, he moved into gambling (in Malaysia). In the early part of the 1990s, he started diversifying into the multimedia arena.

Currently, he has business interests in media (Astro, Johnston Press Plc), satellite (MEASAT), oil and gas (Bumi Armada, Pexco), telecommunications (Maxis, Aircel, Axis, Sri Lanka Telecom). He owns stakes in Tanjong Public Limited Company, an investment holding company with subsidiaries involved in power generation (Powertek), gaming (Pan Malaysian Pools), leisure (Tropical Islands, TGV Cinemas) and property.
Investments Of Usaha Tegas Group

Astro Holdings Sdn Bhd
Maxis Bhd
MEASAT Global Bhd
Excorp N.V.
Pacific States Investments Ltd
PanOcean Management Ltd
Tanjong plc

He first came to prominence by helping to organize the Live Aid concert with Bob Geldof in the mid-1980s. In the early 1990s, he began building a multimedia empire that now includes two telecommunication companies - Maxis Communications and MEASAT Broadcast Network Systems - and has three communication satellites circumnavigating the earth.
He effected the purchase of 46% of Maxis Communications, the country's largest cellular phone company, from British Telecom and AT&T Corporation for $680 million - raising his stake to 70%. Maxis has more than ten million subscribers, with around 40% market share in Malaysia. He also owns stakes in Aircel, Axis, and Sri Lanka Telecom.
In an agreement between Astro and India's Sun Network, Ananda plans to produce TV channels which cater to the Indian market, especially Tamil diaspora in countries such as US and Europe. Ananda also plans to offer TV services featuring Web-based interactivity. Ananda Krishnan owns stakes in TVB.com and the Shaw Brothers movie archives.

2. Robert Kuok

Robert Kuok
Robert Kuok Hock Nien (traditional Chinese:; simplified Chinese:; pinyin: Guō Hènián, born 6 October 1923 in Johor Bahru, Johor), is an influential Malaysian Chinese businessman. According to Forbes his net worth is estimated to be around $14.7 billion on Feb 2012, making him the richest person in Malaysia[1][2] and second richest in Southeast Asia after Dhanin Chearavanont of Thailand, according to Forbe's List of World Billionaires 2013 which Robert Kuok was placed 76th. As of December 2012, According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Kuok has an estimated net worth of 17.3 billion making him the 40th richest person in the world.[3]
Kuok is media-shy; most of his businesses are privately held by him or his family. Apart from a multitude of businesses in Malaysia, his companies have investments in many countries throughout Asia.[4] His business interests range from sugarcane plantations (Perlis Plantations Bhd), sugar refineries, flour milling, animal feed, oil, mining, finance, hotels, properties, trading, freight and publishing.[1] Biggest source of wealth is stake in Wilmar International, the world's largest listed palm oil company. He was a student from the school Raffles Institution.

Robert Kuok's son, Kuok Khoon Ean born in 1955 married Kuok Cheng Sui and holds Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Economics from University of Nottingham, England. His other son, Kuok Khoon Ho is the Chairman of the Kuok Brothers, born in 1951 and holds Bachelor of Commerce degree, from McGill University, Canada.
Robert Kuok's brother, Tan Sri Dato' Philip Kuok Hock Khee a Malaysian Ambassador to Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark was born on 18 May 1921 and attended the College of Agriculture, Serdang and later to the University of Malaya with a degree in Economics. Tan Sri Philip married Eileen Kuok and had two sons and two daughters, he died on 16 December 2003 and was awarded with Netherlands award of the Grand Cross of the Order of Orange Nassau, and decorated with Dato' Sri Paduka Mahkota Johor (SPMJ), Dato' Paduka Mahkota Johor (DPMJ) and Panglima Setia Mahkota (PSM).

Robert Kuok has been the richest man in South East Asia since 2002. He is in the sugar business. Kuok's father arrived in Malaya from Fujian, China at the beginning of the 20th century, and Robert was the youngest of three brothers, born on 6 October 1923, in Johor Bahru. He claims he began in business as an office boy, and later started a business with relatives' support.[4] In fact, upon graduation, he worked in the grains department of Japanese industrial conglomerate Mitsubishi between 1942 and 1945.
Kuok senior died in 1948, and Kuok and his two brothers founded Kuok Brothers Sdn Bhd in 1949, trading agricultural commodities. Under the new post-colonial government, Kuok started in the sugar business alongside the government. In 1961, he made a coup by buying cheap sugar from India before the prices shot up. He continued to invest heavily in sugar refineries, controlled 80% of the Malaysian sugar market with production of 1.5 million tonnes, equivalent to 10% of world production, and so earned his nickname "Sugar King of Asia".
In 1971, he built the first Shangri-La Hotel, in Singapore. His first foray into Hong Kong property was in 1977, when he acquired a plot of land on the newly reclaimed Tsim Sha Tsui East waterfront, where he built the second hotel, the Kowloon Shangri-La. In 1993, his Kerry Group acquired a 34.9% stake in the South China Morning Post from Murdoch's News Corporation.
His companies have investments in many countries, including Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Mainland China, Indonesia, Fiji and Australia. Businesses in China include 10 bottling companies for Coca Cola, and ownership of the Beijing World Trade Centre.[4]
Freight interests include Malaysian Bulk Carriers Berhad and Transmile Group.
His political influence is attested by his having been selected as one of the advisors on Hong Kong's future in the runup to the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong, and his minority stake in CITIC Pacific. He was also instrumental in conveying information and setting up the meetings between Malaysia and China governments leading to full diplomatic cross recognition of the two countries.
Kuok has married twice and has eight children. His fourth eldest son, which he passed on to be the holder of Shangri-la Hotels Jeffrey Ong Teng Buey married twice. He has one daughter, Alyssa Ong Lei Yeng and three sons, Justin Choo Jia Wei, Bryan Choo Jia Jun and Jon Choo Jia Sheng. Kuok officially retired from the Kerry Group on 1 April 1993. One of his sons, Kuok Khoon Ean, now handles most of the day-to-day operations of his businesses. He currently resides in Hong Kong.
On 31 October 2009, PPB Group under the flagship of Robert Kuok issued a statement to the Bursa Malaysia that it has decided to dispose of its sugar units along with land used to cultivate sugar cane for RM 1.29 billion to FELDA. The sales resulted in a one-off gain for the company. The sugar unit and sugar cane plantation were the second largest business segment upon its grain and feed which were topping the sales.

3. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Teh Hong Piow
Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Teh Hong Piow (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Zhèng Hóngbiāo), the Chairman of Public Bank Berhad in Malaysia, was born in Singapore on 14 March 1930. He attended his formal primary and secondary education at the Anglo-Chinese School in Singapore. He has been married to Puan Sri Tay Sock Noy since 1956 and they have four children - three daughters and a son.
He began his banking career in 1950 as a Bank Clerk in Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. and rose in rank to officer within five years. He joined Malayan Banking Berhad as Manager in 1960. Later in 1964, he was promoted to the position of General Manager at the young age of 34. Teh then left Malayan Banking in 1966 to set up Public Bank.
One of Malaysia's wealthiest businessmen, Piow obtained three degrees at the unaccredited Pacific Western University and two PhDs at Clayton University (also unaccredited) and University Malaya.[2] His net worth is estimated by Forbes to be US$4.7 billion, making him the 223rd richest person in the world and the 5th richest in Malaysia

4.Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng

Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng (born June 3, 1939)(traditional Chinese:; simplified Chinese: pinyin: Li Shēnjìng) is a Malaysian Chinese business magnate who is heavily involved in the plantation industry.

Lee Shin Cheng heads IOI Corporation Berhad (or better known as IOI Group) as its executive chairman. IOI Group was by Forbes in 2012 a palm oil and real estate development giant. It owned refineries in the U.S. and the Netherlands and won a $322 million bid for a 6-acre plot in downtown Singapore for the residential buildings
IOI, which is listed in Bursa Malaysia, is one of the world's leading conglomerate managing oil palm plantations, specialty fats, oleochemicals and property development activities in Malaysia, Indonesia, United States, and Europe. IOI refinery in Rotterdam, the Netherlands is the largest palm oil refinery in Europe. IOI's oil palm plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia produce palm oil and palm kernel oil. These oils are made into specialty oils, metallic stearates and fats that are used in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and food additives. IOI Group is also a leading real estate developer in Malaysia: projects include townships, shopping malls, condominiums, office towers and resorts.
Lee grew up northeast of Kuala Lumpur on a rubber plantation, where his father ran a small Chinese food shop. He left school at the age of 11 to help support his family, selling ice cream on a bicycle for four years before returning to finish high school. He sought work with one oil palm plantation company for a supervisory job, but was turned down. The reason given—he didn't speak fluent English—important then because Europeans still own most of the plantations. Lee, who was then only 22, was undeterred with Dunlop Estate's rejection. He went on to apply and got a field supervisor job with at another palm oil company.
About 20 years later, Lee got his 'revenge' when he gathered enough financial might to buy up Dunlop Estate. In 2008, he recalled his happiest day of his life in an interview with the New Straits Times.
"My happiest day was in 1989 when I bought over Dunlop Estate from Multi-Purpose Holdings Bhd. This was because during the late 1960s, I had applied for a job at Dunlop Estate but they did not employ me because I was not adequately qualified. If they had employed me, I would probably not have owned the entire asset of Dunlop Estate today. This purchase marked a significant milestone in my life," he said.

Lee adopted a hands-on managerial style and home in on what it takes to maximize yields as early as in the 1960s. Lee's untiring walkabout at IOI's 152,000 hectares of oil palm plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia has earned him the 'tree talker' moniker among journalists, rival plantation companies and banking circles in Malaysia.
In 2005, in a rare field trip with stock analysts and journalists, Lee, the usually serious businessman,[2] revealed a lighter side to his personality. He pointed to the oil palm trees and in a deadpan face, said the trees were his girlfriends

The growing success of IOI in the last decade has to date propelled Lee to be Malaysia's 3rd richest[5] and world's 234th richest person.[6] FORBES magazine, in 2009, puts his net worth at $3.2 billion.
Lee's contribution to society

In recognition of Lee's immense contributions to the evolving needs and aspirations of the property industry in Malaysia, he was bestowed the singular honour of FIABCI Malaysia Property Man of the Year 2001 Award. In February 2002, he was conferred the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Agriculture by Universiti Putra Malaysia in recognition of his contributions to the palm oil industry.
Lee serves as, among others, a Board Member of Universiti Putra Malaysia, the Adviser to the KL & Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a Council Member of Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA), a member of Malaysia-China Business Council, the Honorary President of Association of Eng Choon Societies of Malaysia and Federation of Hokkien Association of Malaysia.
Since 1998, Lee has been providing scholarships and educations grants to outstanding and bright young students via Yayasan Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng.

5. Tan Sri Dato' Lim Kok Thay

Tan Sri Dato' Lim Kok Thay (simplified Chinese:; traditional Chinese:; pinyin: Lín Guó Tài; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Lîm Kok-Thài, born 1951) is a prominent entrepreneur in Malaysia. He is the second son of Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, the founder of the Genting Group[1] and Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua.
Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay is the Chairman and Chief Executive of Genting Berhad, the holding company of the Genting Group, a conglomerate which is involved in leisure & hospitality, power generation, oil palm plantations, property development, biotechnology and oil & gas business activities.
He is the co-founder of Genting Hong Kong Limited, formerly known as Star Cruises Limited. Star Cruises, together with Norwegian Cruise Line is the third largest cruise operator in the world, with a combined fleet of 18 ships visiting over 200 destinations in the world, and providing about 35,000 lower berths.[4]
He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from University of London, United Kingdom. He attended the advanced management programme of Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA in 1979.

In 1976, he was appointed a director of Genting Berhad.[6] Under the founder’s and Kok Thay’s stewardship, the Genting Group grew from a single listed entity in 1971 to five listed entities (comprising Genting Berhad),[7] Genting Malaysia Berhad [8] and Genting Plantations Berhad [9] which are listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia; Genting Singapore Plc [10] which is listed on the main board of Singapore Exchange and Genting Hong Kong [11] which is listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
He was appointed the Chairman and Chief Executive of Genting Berhad and Genting Malaysia Berhad when the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong retired in December 2003.[12] Kok Thay has since expanded Genting’s presence globally, especially in the leisure tourism and entertainment industry.
Under his guidance, the Genting Group has developed leisure brands such as “Resorts World”, “Maxims”, “Crockfords” and “Awana”, as well as established strategic partnerships with Universal Studios, Hard Rock Hotel, Premium Outlets, Synthetic Genomics and many others.[13][14]
In 1990, he assisted the Mashantucket Pequots, a Native American Tribe to establish Foxwoods Resorts Casino in Connecticut, With 340,000 square feet of floor space, the Foxwoods Resort Casino is the largest casino in the United States.
He guided the expansion works of the Group's first integrated resort, Resorts World Genting, formerly known as Genting Highlands Resort. Resorts World Genting has been voted by World Travel Awards as the "World's Leading Casino Resort in years 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010" and also voted as "Asia's Leading Casino Resort" from years 2005 to 2010.[17]
In 2005, he expanded Group’s presence to the United Kingdom (“UK”). Today, Genting UK Plc is the largest casino operator in the UK with 43 casinos.[18]
In 2006, Tan Sri Lim led his team to win the competitive bid to build and operate Singapore’s first integrated resort on Sentosa Island, called Resorts World Sentosa.[19] The resort was progressively opened from January 2010 [20] and has become a prominent tourist destination in the country. The resort features Southeast Asia’s first Universal Studios Singapore, six themed hotels, Maritime Experiential Museum and Aquarium [22] and many more attractions.
Today, under the guidance of Tan Sri Lim, the Genting Group has integrated resort properties in three Asian countries, namely Resorts World Genting in Malaysia, Resorts World Sentosa in Singapore and Resorts World Manila in the Philippines, attracting millions of leisure visitors and creating employment and tourism activities in these countries. The Group has two leisure projects in the United States of America, namely Resorts World New York and Resorts World Miami.
Tan Sri Lim was appointed as a Visiting Professor of the UK-based Institute of Biomedical Engineering of Imperial College, London in October 2009.He was also appointed the Honorary Professor of Xiamen University, China in December 2007

Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay is married to Puan Sri Cecilia Lim, together they have 3 sons.[26][27]

In 2002, he was bestowed the national award titleship of “Tan Sri” by his Majesty, the Yang Di Pertuan Agong, for his contributions to Malaysia [28]>.
In 2009, Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay named the “Travel Entrepreneur of the Year” by Travel Trade Gazette (TTG) Asia )[29] and “The Most Influential Person in Asian Gaming” by Inside Asian Gaming, for his contributions to the leisure and travel industry.

6.Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan

YBhg Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Guō Lìngcàn; born 1941, Singapore) is a Malaysian tycoon who co-founded Hong Leong Group Malaysia. He is one of the richest men in Malaysia with an estimated net worth of US$2.9 billion according to Forbes[1] in 2007.
YBhg Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan studied in Victoria School in Singapore and is qualified as a Barrister-at-Law from Middle Temple, United Kingdom. He has extensive business experience in various sectors, including financial services, manufacturing and real estate. He is the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Hong Leong Company (Malaysia) Berhad (“HLCM”), Executive Chairman of Hong Leong Industries Berhad (“HLI”), Hume Industries (Malaysia) Berhad (“HIMB”), Hong Leong Financial Group Berhad, GuocoLand (Malaysia) Berhad, Camerlin Group Berhad and Chairman of Hong Leong Bank Berhad, HLG Capital Berhad (“HLG”), Hong Leong Assurance Berhad, Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad and Hong Leong Foundation (“HLF”).
Quek oversees the Malaysian operations of the Hong Leong Group while his cousin and fellow billionaire Kwek Leng Beng oversees the Singapore operations.

7. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Yeoh Tiong Lay

Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Yeoh Tiong Lay (Chinese: pinyin: Yáng Zhōnglǐ; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Iûⁿ Tiong-lé) is a Malaysian business tycoon and a prominent philanthropist. He founded YTL Corporation,[2] Malaysia's biggest and most successful conglomerate with interests in construction, utilities, hotels, property development and technology. YTL is based primarily in Malaysia but has extensive operations in Asia, Australia and the United Kingdom, where it owns the utility Wessex Water. YTL Corp has over $3 billion in cash.

Yeoh Tiong Lay completed his secondary school education at Hin Hua High School in Klang, Malaysia. He is the father of Francis Yeoh, who is the eldest of his 7 children, all of whom are involved in the family business.
He is one of the richest individuals in Malaysia, his family is estimated to have a networth of US$ 2.7 billion, and is ranked as the 421st richest person in the world according to Forbes in 2011.[1]
He was conferred the prestigious Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon by the Emperor of Japan for his efforts in promoting bilateral relations between Malaysia and Japan on the 19th of January 2008.
He is currently one of the Pro-Chancellors of Universiti Malaysia Sabah in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah with Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman, the Chief Minister of Sabah.

8. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Shah bin Syed Nor Al-Bukhary

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Shah bin Syed Nor Al-Bukhary[2] (Arabic: سيد مختار شاه بن سيد نور البخاري‎ Saiyid Mukhtār Shāh bin Saiyid Nūr al-Bukhārī; born 1952) is the richest Bumiputra corporate figure in Malaysia. With involvement in diversified business areas which include transportation and logistics, plantations, property development, defense and armory as well as engineering and power generation, he has a net worth estimated to be US$3.3 billion according to Forbes,[1] making him the 6th richest Malaysian.
Early life

Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary the third of seventh children born into a middle-low class of Hadhrami Arab ancestry.[3] His father was a trader who had travelled to Central Asia and Thailand in his youth before settling down in Kedah during the 1940s.[4] When Syed Mokhtar was nine years old, he was sent to Johor Bahru to live with his uncle Syed Omar where he studied until Form 2.[5] He subsequently returned to Kedah to finish his education until form five at Saint Michael's School, and he never went to university. A whole lot of his knowledge and experience was gained through his own entrepreneurship experience during his youth time.
Due in part his family's mediocre-to-poor background, Syed Mokhtar al Bukhary had to step into the working world in his early life, while pursuing his primary and secondary studies. Syed Mokhtar helped his mother planting and selling vegetables in the market and also selling roti canai. His numeric knowledge was used to help his father in doing daily book keeping.
After finishing school, Syed Mokhtar helped his father in breeding cow business but only to see the business washed away by foot and mouth disease. Nevertheless, he took over the business and start over by selling meats. He then move on to packaging the meats and start selling them wholesale.

Syed Mokhtar and Zainal started his business in Kedah in the 1990s dealing in rice. More success followed and he moved to rice trading business. He worked even harder after he was awarded the rice trading license from Lembaga Padi Negara, and was later awarded successions of supplier contract government-linked corporations as partner with Zainal Hatim Hj Ambia Bukhary.
As his determination starting to skyrocket, he quickly moved to expand into diversification of other businesses. His next big move was in the logistics business, with initial goal to transport their trading materials. Today, his business empire has grown into areas such as plantation, property development, construction, engineering, power generation, infrastructure and ports.
He owns 51.8% share in Malaysian Mining Corporation via his wholly owned company, Syarikat Impian Teladan Sdn. Bhd. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar and Zainal Hatim personally owns SKS Ventures, which was awarded the task of building the site for 2100MW coal-fired power station at Tanjung Bin, Johor. Tan Sri Syed Mohktar has a 32% share in PERNAS through his own company, Syarikat Ratu Jernih. Syarikat Perdana Padu Sdn. Bhd. and Corak Kukuh Sdn. Bhd. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar and Zainal are Board Members of Syarikat Bina Puri Holdings Berhad, whereby, on his own, he has 7.34% share. Apart from these, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar and Zainal has varied interest in a number of companies, both in Malaysia as well as abroad.

His philanthropic values were nurtured from the age of 23 when he started a small business dealing in rice. When he received his first monthly income of RM1,500, his mother had told him to donate half of it to the poor.[6]
From 1996 to 2006, his foundation has contributed almost RM1bil to charity, although his total income is probably in multiples of that figure.[citation needed]
He has humanitarian projects in Asia and Africa, including rebuilding the lives of Afghan refugees, Pakistan's ear's tsunami victims and is now working to establish an AIDS hospital in Uganda.[citation needed]
Among the foundation's initiatives are the Albukhary Tuition Programme for poor underachievers and the Albukhary Scholarship Programme for poor high achievers.The scholarship awarding in AL Bukhary foundation started in 2003 with 41 students from 19 countries who had been awarded the scholar ship from AL Bukhary Foundation. In the following years the number of students have reached almost 350 students.[citation needed]
The foundation has built a university and entire city around it, including hospital, mosque, library, food plantations, accommodation and provides tuition at no fee to underprivilledged students. :

In appreciation of his enormous services and contributions, he was bestowed with several awards, which among others, include the Panglima Setia Mahkota (P.S.M.) by His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, which carries the title Tan Sri and the Dato' Setia Mahkota Kedah (D.S.D.K.) by HRH The Sultan Kedah, which carries the title Dato'.
On 10 January 2008 or 1st Muharram 1429 Hijra he was announced and awarded as "Tokoh Ma'al Hijrah" by The Yang Di Pertuan Agong of Malaysia .

9.Tan Sri Dato' Azman Hashim

Tan Sri Dato' Azman Hashim, AO (born July 1939 in Kuala Lumpur) is one of the richest people in Malaysia and his net worth is estimated by Forbes to be US$600 million, making him the 9th richest person in Malaysia
Early life

Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim was born in July 1939 in Kuala Lumpur to a family of thirteen siblings and spent his childhood in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur. His father was a strict disciplinarian and his mother was a school teacher who later became headmistress of the Kampung Baru Girls’ School. In 1954, he sat for the Senior Cambridge Examination and obtained a first grade. He had wanted to pursue medicine but was offered accountancy instead on a Colombo Plan Scholarship which took him to Australia from 1955 to 1960.He became a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Secretary before the age of 21. He became a Fellow of both the Chartered Institute of Accountants, Australia (FCA Australia) and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators (FCIS) in 1960. Later he also became a Fellow of the Institute of Bankers, Malaysia, the Institute of Directors, Malaysia and the Malaysian Institute of Management.

Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim is well known as a corporate figure. His professional experience began in Perth, Australia where he was employed by Messrs O.L. Haines & Co (Chartered Accountants) from 1955-1960. In 1960, he returned to serve with Bank Negara Malaysia until May 1964 when he left to start his own accountancy practice of Azman & Co which later grew into a partnership, Azman Wong Salleh & Co (Chartered Accountants). He then joined the Board of Malayan Banking Berhad in 1966 and was its Executive Director from 1971 to 1980. He was appointed Executive Chairman of Kwong Yik Bank Berhad in 1980 till 1982 when he became Chairman of the AmBank Group until today. Currently, Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim is Executive Chairman of Amcorp Group Berhad and Chairman of several subsidiaries of the AmBank Group and also Amcorp Properties Berhad.[2]
Tan Sri Dato’Azman is Chairman of the
Malaysian Investment Banking Association
National Productivity Corporation
Pacific Basin Economic Council International(PBEC)
Non-Aligned Movement's (NAM) Business Council
Co-Chairman of Malaysia-Singapore Roundtable
Co-Chair, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) Business Advisory Council
Board of Trustees, Perdana Leadership Foundation
and President of
Malaysia South-South Corporation Berhad
Malaysia-Japan Economic Association
Malaysia South-South Association
Friends of Prisons Association
He is also a Member of the
National Economic Consultative Council II (MAPEN II)
Business Advisory Council of APEC (”ABAC”)
The Trilateral Commission (Asia-Pacific Group)
Board of Advisors, AIM Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility
Malaysia-British Business Council
Malaysia-China Business Council
International Advisory Panel, Bank Negara Malaysia
International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF)
International Advisory Panel,World Islamic Economic Forum
Leader of the ASEAN-Japanese Business Meeting (Malaysia Committee, Keizai Doyukai)
He also serves as the Treasurer for the Malaysia-US Private Sector Consultative Group and the Malaysia-Australia Foundation and also Vice-Chairman of the Malaysian Business Council and one of the Governors of the Japanese Chamber of Trade and Industry (JACTIM) Malaysia Foundation. He is also one of the trustees for Malaysian Liver Foundation, Better Malaysia Foundation, ECM Libra Foundation in addition to the AmGroup Foundation.
[edit]Past Involvement

His past involvement included the Chairmanship of :
Board of Trustees National Art Gallery (from 1984 to 1991)
Malaysian Handicraft Development Corporation (from 1997 to 2000)
President of Malaysian Medical Association Foundation (from 1991 to 2003 )
Member of the Investment Panel of Lembaga Urusan Tabung Haji (Pilgrimage Fund Board) from 1976 to 1995
Patron of the Malaysian Endurance Riding Society (from 2001 to 2004)


Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim’s impressive and extensive contribution to many facets of Malaysian economic landscape has not gone unnoticed. To date he has been awarded numerous honours. His first major award was the Darjah ”Kesatria Mangku Negara” bestowed by His Majesty Yang DiPertuan Agong in 1972; His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor honoured him with the ”Darjah Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Selangor” (DPMS) in 1980 which carried the title Dato’; this was followed by the ”Johan Mahkota Negara” (JMN) awarded by His Majesty Yang DiPertuan Agong in 1984. The Asian Finance magazine named him ”Asia’s Banker of the Year” in 1985. This was followed by His Majesty Yang DiPertuan Agong awarding him the ”Darjah Panglima Setia Mahkota” (PSM) in 1988 which bestowed on him the title ”Tan Sri”.
Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Hashim has also earned international recognition. In 1993, the ASEAN Business Forum (formerly known as the ASEAN Institute) presented him with the ”ASEAN Businessman of the Year” award. This was followed in 1995 by the ”Manager of the Year” award from the Harvard Business School Alumni Club of Malaysia. The Kuala Lumpur Malay Chamber of Commerce awarded him with the ”Grand Entrepreneurial Award” in June 1996 and a year later he received the ”Menteri Besar Grand Entrepreneurial Award” from the Selangor Chamber of Commerce in 1997. The latest accolade bestowed on him was the ”Sathya Sai Educare Academy Values for Life Excellence” for his humanitarian contribution in 2004. He received a lifetime achievement award, at 4th Annual Islamic Business and Finance Awards 2009.[3]
As testimony to his inspirational prominence in business and community affairs - Universiti Utara Malaysia honoured him with an Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy in 1985. In recognition of his immense contribution to and success in entrepreneurship, the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia awarded him an Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration in 2004.
He is an Honorary Officer of the Order of Australia.